Friday 31 October 2014

Opinion paragraph: unconditional basic income.

The unconditional basic income is a new system in which every resident of a place receive the same amount of money without keeping in mind wherever they work or the money they earn. As far as I am concerned, this is unfair because people should not receive the same income if they work 2 hours or if they work 8 hours. Secondly, it would reduce the incentive to work and people will stay at home just doing nothing. Lazy people become lazier and that is also unfair for the ones who work everyday. Furthermore, there are jobs in which nobody would like to work and the streets would be dirty, for example. Paying taxes (all the citizens should pay more taxes in this system) for people with disadvantages or dificulties is ok but it isn’t  for people who doesn’t want to work. In conclusion, I am against unconditional basic income because although it has advantages it is not fair at all to the people who are responsable and who have studied hard to have a good quality life.

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